What Can Wagner Educational Consulting Bring to your District or School?

Wagner Educational Consulting is thrilled to be able to bring customized staff development to your school or district.  We pride ourselves on the most up to date and relevant, research based best practices that can be customized to your district or site goals.  Our consultants are trained by researchers to ensure the highest staff development opportunities for your school.  All of our services are offered throughout Minnesota and nationally! 

Likewise, Wagner Educational Consulting has regional training opportunities offered throughout the academic year and summer months.  These regional sessions are designed for multiple districts and schools to attend and to provide networking to all educators and leaders!





Minnesota | USA | International 




How to Design Customized Systems of Support with Wagner Educational Consulting

Wagner Education Consulting supports districts, schools, and educational leadership teams with the right chemistry to change how programming in implemented.  Wagner Educational Consulting begins by collecting and researching current trends, historical data, and implementation that is organic to your school or district. This is often provided as a historical reference from the school district or site and helps customize next steps for your site.   Wagner Educational Consultants utilize this information to create optimal implementation plans.

Professional Development: Personalizing pathways for educators and leaders. WEC works with teachers and leadership teams to determine the most realistic and customized learning based on need. The customization allows for optimal growth and learning …

Professional Development: Personalizing pathways for educators and leaders. WEC works with teachers and leadership teams to determine the most realistic and customized learning based on need. The customization allows for optimal growth and learning in a way that aligns to the district, school, or individual teacher/leadership goals.

1. Select or request customized professional development strands of learning.
2. WEC begins with customized consultation of district/site/teacher/leadership needs
3. Survey Analysis as an optional tool
4. Implementation of learning: Traditional face to face, virtual, or online

Evidence of Practice: Instructional rounds is a process that WEC supports as phase 2 of implementation practice. This focus is used to better understand teaching and learning in schools to improve learning at scale. Evidence collected from rounds are used to describe what is happening in classrooms. Instructional rounds can be done with teams of leaders, teachers, and a WEC consultant and are not intended to be evaluative.

Instructional Coaching: Support and Scaffold Our innovative instructional coaching model promotes small group learning for teachers, leaders, collaborative teaching teams. These sessions are personalized based on teacher request, need or observational data. Coaching is meant to scaffold implementation, meaning it will support the implementation until practices are implemented with fidelity.

Reflection of Implementation: Revitalize-Refine-Reframe-Remove this step of customized systemic supports allow all stakeholders to revisit all elements of implementation. To be realistic and relevant it is important to be reflective on what is needed in the moment, short term, as well as, long term in alignment with district and site-based goals. This stage allows for collaborative consensus and courageous conversations around next steps of the learning and growth process.